big hitter

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is often used to describe someone who has a lot of power or influence in a particular field. It implies that the person is successful and has the ability to make a big impact.
اغلب برای توصیف شخصی که قدرت یا نفوذ زیادی در یک زمینه خاص دارد. این نشان می دهد که فرد موفق است و توانایی ایجاد تأثیر بزرگ را دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“He’s a big hitter in the investment banking industry. ”
In sports, a player who consistently performs at a high level and has a significant impact on the game might be called a big hitter.
A successful entrepreneur who has built a multimillion - dollar business might be referred to as a big hitter in the business world.

