✍ Definition: It’s wiser to be cautious than to be hasty and potentially make a mistake. 🛡️❗
✅ Example: He double - checked all the locks before leaving the house because better safe than sorry.
it is better not to tame risks, even if it seems boring and hard work
پیشگیری بهتر از درمانه
احتیاط شرط عقله
کار از محکم کاری عیب نمیکنه
Better safe than sorry.
احتیاط شرط عقل است.
کار از محکم کاری عیب نمیکنه.
چرا عاقل کند کاری که باز آرد پشیمانی.
پیشگیری بهتر از درمان است.
it's better to be safe than sorry
🔰better safe than sorry🔰
( saying )
used to say that it is wiser to be too careful than to act too quickly and do something you may later wish you had not
. E. g
She decided to avoid travelling at night. Better safe than sorry
🔰better safe than sorry🔰
said when you think it is best not to take risks even when it seems boring or difficult to be careful
🔰 ( it's ) better ( to be ) safe than sorry🔰
used to say that it is better to be careful now so that problems do not occur later on
. E. g
It's probably not necessary to check the figures again, but it's better to be safe than sorry
🔰it's better to be safe than sorry🔰
or better safe than sorry
If you say 'it's better to be safe than sorry', you are advising someone to take action in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences later, even if this seems unnecessary
. E. g
Don't be afraid to have this checked by a doctor–better safe than sorry!
🔰better safe than sorry🔰
used for saying that you should behave carefully, even if this seems difficult or unnecessary, so that you will not have problems later
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
۱ ) *دریغ سود ندارد چو رفت کار از دست*
۲ ) احتیاط بهتر از پشیمانی در آخر کار است
۳ ) کار از محکم کاری عیب نمی کنه
!Set the alarm clock – better safe than sorry
ساعتُ رو زنگ بذار - کار از محکم کاری عیب نمی کنه!
۴ ) احتیاط شرط عقل است
۵ ) چرا عاقل کند کاری که باز آرد پشیمانی
۶ ) پیشگیری بهتر از درمان است
معنی تحت اللفظی: ایمنی بهتر از شرمندگی است.
مفهوم ضرب المثل: رعایت ایمنی و احتیاط در انجام کارها از پشیمانی و ندامت از انجام اشتباه کار جلوگیری می کند.
It's better to stay safe and have no regrets
it's better to be cautious than to regret it later
احتیاط شرط عقل است
پیشگیری بهتر از درمان است
دیر رسیدن بهتر از هرگز نرسیدن
نکن کاری آورد پشیمانی
چرا عاقل کند کاری که باز ارد پشیمانی
Better to stay safe and have no regrets
پیشگیری بهتر از درمان است
کار از محکم کاری عیب نمی کنه
احتیاط شرط عقل است
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٣)