benefits of using silencer

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I always tell people not to ever try suppressors because once they do, they will never want to shoot any other way.
A. Obviously the sound and damage to your ears is the best reason. ( I still suggest hearing protection with a suppressor though, unless it is a . 22 with subsonic ammo. ) They are called silencers by the ATF and they are particular about that on Form 4’s but they are really suppressors as they do not “silence" a firearm. That only happens in Hollywood. Firearms make two sounds actually. The first is when the gasses escape the end of the barrel and the other is the sonic “crack" when the bullet breaks the sound barrier. The gas escaping can be handled by the suppressor. The crack can be alleviated by using subsonic ammunition. . 300 blackout is an excellent round to suppress and can be very quiet.
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B. Reduced felt recoil. Suppressing a rifle will definitely change the “kick" or recoil of the gun and make it more pleasant to fire.
C. Friendlier to your neighbors. Go to an indoor range and shoot an AR with a huge muzzle brake and most times it will run people out. Outdoor ranges not so much and a good muzzle brake is great at reducing recoil also but damn are they loud.
A. Your firearm will need cleaning more often as the suppressor holds more smoke and carbon within the firearm.
B. You firearm will run and get a lot hotter quicker than without a suppressor leading to more repairs sometimes quicker. If shooting fast, you will need to let the gun cool down from time to time…. especially shooting full auto suppressed.
All in all I highly reccomend suppression…the benefits are well worth it.
Go to a range and give it a try sometime. Soon you will want them removed from the NFA also! In a lot of countries it is considered rude not to use a suppressor. Our laws are ridiculously stupid and outdated. Above all…go to a range, find a qualified instructor and learn to shoot. It is a great sport and can teach you to defend yourself at the same time. Remember, we are shooters, those other idiots are killers…. I hate it when the press call them that.
What are the pros and cons of using suppressors on your gun?
Protect your ears and those of the people/animals around you from hearing damage.
Reduce felt recoil.
If you’re shooting in the prone, it kicks up less dirt/dust which makes it easier for you to see.
Reduces the muzzle flash, which is good for making it harder for someone to see you if you’re shooting from a distance but is also helpful for shooting at night so that it doesn’t ruin your night vision.
Fewer complaints from your neighbors.
Very easy to fabricate at home
Most rounds still won’t be super - silent like a Hollywood hitman. Instead, it’ll bring typically them just below the threshold for immediate hearing damage but still fairly loud and recognizable as gunshots for those in the immediate vicinity.
Adds significant weight and length to the end of the barrel. It’s noticeable for rifles but typically isn’t that big of a deal. It’s a massive difference on handguns, though, and makes it much more difficult to conceal.
Changes your point of impact. That’s easy to account for but it means that you need to zero the sights with the suppressor on if you’re going to use it with a suppressor on. You don’t want to just switch back and forth ( suppressor on sometimes, suppressor off sometimes ) because then your sights will be off.
Suppressors get extremely hot. You could severely burn yourself if you touch one right after finishing up at the range. I’ve had one glowing red hot from shooting a fairly small amount of ammo at a very moderate pace.
Suppressors get very dirty and can be a pain to clean.
The cost and length of time required to legally own one is significant ( $200 tax stamp, which is probably about the cost of the suppressor itself plus a year for the paperwork to clear ) .
Unless you are licensed, you cannot own parts for a suppressor and cannot conduct repairs on your own suppressor.
Outright illegal in some jurisdictions.
Overall, I think suppressors are good. They should be legalized at all state/local levels and removed from the NFA at the federal level to make them easier to legally own ( it’s already stupid easy to get one illegally ) . I wouldn’t recommend them for a carry gun but for hunting or home defense guns, I would say the pros 100% outweigh the cons.
