
انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• device used for warming beds

پیشنهاد کاربران

This derogatory term objectifies a person, reducing them to the role of providing sexual pleasure and warmth in bed.
اصطلاح تحقیر آمیز
شخصی را به عنوان یک کالا یا شیئی جنسی تصور کردن و او را به سطح فقط ایجاد لذت و گرمای جنسی در رختخواب تقلیل دادن.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

She’s just his bed warmer, nothing else.
In a discussion about healthy relationships, someone might say, “Using terms like ‘bed warmer’ dehumanizes and disrespects the other person. ”
A person might express their disapproval and say, “Calling someone a bed warmer is degrading and objectifying. Everyone deserves respect and equality. ”

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