beast mode

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to a state of extreme focus, determination, and productivity. It implies that someone is working with exceptional diligence and intensity.
در حالت/وضعیت تمرکز، عزم و بهره وری فوق العاده. این نشان می دهد که شخصی با سخت کوشی و شدت فوق العاده کار می کند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“I’m in beast mode today. I’m going to finish all my assignments. ”
A friend might say, “You’ve been in beast mode lately. Keep up the great work!”
A trainer might motivate their client, “Push yourself into beast mode and give it everything you’ve got. ”

Beast mode refers to the aggressive, animalistic persona that one might assume when in competition or combat in order to overpower an opponent.
⬛ This is a way of life; It's purpose is to put you as a human being into the most dedicated, focused, and ferocious/tenatious lifestyle that you can achieve.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Hyped with out the hype, pumped without the juice, high without the drugs. It's all mental! "BEASTMODE" is a way to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary
⬛ Taking a massive shit in a Public bathroom sink, then screaming BEASTMODE as loud as possible
I went completely BEASTMODE in that McDonald's yesterday
⬛ Mode that you switch into when doing hardcore activities; having beast - like characteristics.
Dude, you're not gonna sleep for a week? You are in beastmode.
