beast fable

پیشنهاد کاربران

A short story or narrative in which animals are the main characters, often anthropomorphized with human traits, and used to convey a moral lesson.
✍️افسانه جانوران ( اسم ) : داستان کوتاه یا روایت که در آن حیوانات شخصیت های اصلی هستند، اغلب با ویژگی های انسانی، و برای انتقال درس اخلاقی استفاده می شوند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️✍️استفاده از داستان سرایی برای آموزش درس های اخلاقی از طریق اعمال و تعاملات حیوانات
👈مترادف: Animal Fable, Moral Tale, Allegory
Aesop's Fables are famous beast fables that have been told for centuries.
The beast fable about the tortoise and the hare teaches the lesson that slow and steady wins the race.
Many cultures have their own versions of beast fables that reflect their values and traditions.

beast fable, a prose or verse fable or short story that usually has a moral. In beast fables animal characters are represented as acting with human feelings and motives. Among the best - known examples in Western literature are those attributed to the legendary Greek author Aesop.
