be subject to something

پیشنهاد کاربران

"As a verb, “subject to” means to make someone or something experience or be affected by something, especially something unpleasant. For example, “The company is subject to strict regulations” means that the company must follow strict regulations. As a preposition, “subject to” means depending on something or influenced by something. For example, “The project’s success is subject to funding” means that the project’s success depends on funding.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

فعل/ واداشتن کسی یا چیزی به تجربه یا تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتن چیزی، به ویژه چیزی ناخوشایند.
برای مثال، "The company is subject to strict regulations" به این معنی است که شرکت باید از مقررات سختگیرانه پیروی کند.
حرف اضافه / وابسته بودن به چیزی یا تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتن چیزی
مثلا "The project’s success is subject to funding" به این معنی است که موفقیت پروژه به تامین مالی بستگی دارد.
The concert is subject to cancellation if it rains.
The new policy is subject to review by the board of directors.
The athlete is subject to drug testing before and after the competition.

تجربه کردن
در معرض . . . . . . بودن
مشمول . . . . . . قرار گرفتن
