be on to someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

- به کسی مظنون بودن
- دنبال ارتباط برقرار کردن با کسی بودن
### **1. To suspect or have figured someone out:**
- This means you have discovered something about someone, often something they are trying to hide, like a secret, a lie, or a wrongdoing.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- Example: *The detective was onto the suspect after finding a key piece of evidence. *
- Example: *I think my boss is onto me about taking extra - long lunch breaks. *
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### **2. To be in contact with someone ( often for a purpose ) :**
- This means you are communicating with someone, usually to discuss or arrange something.
- Example: *I’ll be onto the supplier to make sure the delivery arrives on time. *
- Example: *She’s onto the IT department to fix the computer issue. *
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### **3. To be pursuing or following up with someone:**
- This can mean you are actively trying to reach or engage with someone, often to get information or resolve something.
- Example: *The journalist is onto the politician for a comment about the scandal. *
- Example: *I’ve been onto the customer service team all day, but they still haven’t resolved my issue. *
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### **Key Difference:**
- The first meaning ( **suspecting someone** ) is more about uncovering something hidden.
- The second and third meanings ( **contacting or pursuing someone** ) are about communication or follow - up.
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AI - deepseek

توی نخ کسی بودن
زاغ سیاه کسی رو چوب زدن
کسی را زیر نظر داشتن
امار کسیو داشتن
I'm on to you
امارتو دارم
دست کسی رو شدن
از نیت کسی آگاه شدن
دست کسی را خواندن
از اشتباه یا خلاف کسی باخبر بودن
از رفتار کسی باخبر بودن
به کسی درمورد چیزی مشکوک بودن
To be aware of someones behavior
زاغ سیاه کسی را چوب زدن
