be in trouble

پیشنهاد کاربران

چند تا معنا به خودش میگیره:
1 - To be subject to punishment for a particular offense or wrongdoing.
💠 I'm in trouble with my parents for sneaking out last night.
💠 Jed's in trouble with the law again.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

💠 Oh, you're in trouble now. Mom's gonna kill you!
2 - To be in a problematic situation or in a state of hardship.
💠 I'm in trouble, Dave. Is there any way you could lend me some money?
💠 She'll be in trouble if she doesn't see the obstacles up ahead.
💠 Get in quickly!
Take off your jackets, roll up your sleeves.
Put your arm that way. . .
Put your arm up!
Are you taking it here?
Yes, it's urgent.
Don't worry, it's more comfortable here.
Mr. Smith only sends for us when he is in trouble.
Don't upset yourself.
Go on Brad.
Brad, quicker!
Stop right there.
Give it to me. . .
Here, 200 dollars for you and 200 for you.
Give thanks to God! Out!
Brad, put your foot down!
شوار شو بینم، یالا! یالا یالا بجنب بینم، معطل نکن!
کُت هاتون درارین. . آستین هاتون هم بزنید بالا.
دستت درست بگیر. .
تو هم دستت بگیر بالا!
حالا باس همین جا بگیریم؟
آره، عجله ست.
غصه نخور، تو ماشین جاتون هم راحت تره.
باز این آقای اسمیت کارش گیر کرد، بعد مدتی فرستاد دنبال ما.
جوش نزن خون ت کثیف میشه.
بِرَد راه بیفت.
بِرَد یه ذره تندتر برو، دیر نشه!
همین بغل نگه دار.
بده بینم. . ردش کن. . بذار اینجا. .
خیلی خب بده من. .
بیا بگیر این ۲۰۰ دلار مال تو، اینم مال تو.
بگو خدا برکت بده!
برو پایین معطل نکن!
بِرَد برو! بِرَد برو!
3 - ( euphemism ) To be pregnant, particularly of one who is young and unmarried.
💠 Is it true that Molly is in trouble? I knew that boyfriend of hers was bad news!
💠 You need to tell your parents you're in trouble. I mean, it's not going to take them nine months to figure it out.
