be in the pay of sb

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "be in the pay of" means to receive payment or compensation from someone or something
When someone is said to be "in the pay of" a particular group or individual, it implies that they are financially supported or influenced by that group or individual
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دریافت وجه یا غرامت از کسی یا چیزی است
هنگامی که گفته می شود فردی "in the pay of" یک گروه یا فرد خاص است، به این معنی است که از نظر مالی حمایت می شود یا تحت تأثیر آن گروه یا فرد است.
"I discovered that the politician was in the pay of big oil interests. "
"Rumors circulated that the journalist was in the pay of the rival newspaper. "
"Being in the pay of the wealthy benefactor gave the struggling charity access to vital funds. "

