be around

پیشنهاد کاربران

در ترجمه عامیانه شاید هست یا حاضره معادل خوبی باشد.
Our family has a great time when she's around.
خانواده مون اواقات خوبی داره، وقتی اون هست.
حی و حاضر
دور و بر بودن
پیدا بودن
You haven't been around in a while. What was going on?
معاشرت کردن
✅وجود داشتن
✅برقرار بودن
?Do you usually make your friends laugh
No, not at all! Unfortunately, I wasn’t gifted with sense of humor. ⭐It’s the other way around⭐ – I mean, it’s my friends who usually make me really laugh to the point that I laugh my head off. I’m just a complete opposite to my friends – I guess I’m boring but lucky enough to be surrounded with jocular friends
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دور و بر بودن
در حوالی بودن
نزدیک بودن
merriam - webster:
to have experience : become sophisticated
sometimes : to have sexual experience —used only in perfect tenses
هزاره برای have been around:
سردوگرم چشیدن
تجربه اندوختن
[مشاهده متن کامل]

( idiomatic, intransitive ) To be alive, existent, or present. I'll be around for another hour or so. This restaurant has been around since 1938. ( idiomatic, transitive ) To be near; to socialize with.

وجود داشتن
در همسایگی بودن، در مجاورت و نزدیکی بودن{ - اصطلاح - }
