be all over someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

۱. سرزنش یا حمله لفظی به کسی
۲. لمس کسی به حالت سکسی
۳. روی کسی قفل شدن
۴. در ورزش، به طور مداوم حرکات تهاجمی را روی حریف انجام دهید، مخصوصاً در دفاع، به طوری که آنها نتوانند آنطور که می خواهند عمل کنند.
be all over ( one )
1. To berate, upbraid, or verbally attack someone.
The boss was all over me yesterday for coming into the meeting late.
2. To engage in kissing or caressing ( with one ) , especially at length and in public.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Mark and Ethan were all over each other for the entire film. That's the last time I go to see a movie with them.
3. To make amorous advances toward one, whether wanted or not.
Stacy's boyfriend was all over me at the party last night. I had to get my friend John to tell him to stop.
4. In sports, to be constantly making aggressive moves at one's opponent, especially on defense, such that they are unable to perform as they want.
Their star defensive tackle was all over the quarterback for the entire game.

to be touching someone in a sexual way
everywhere on their body:
She was all over him, kissing him and running her hands through his hair.
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