barking dogs never bite

پیشنهاد کاربران

تحت اللفظی:سگ هایی که پارس می کنند به ندرت گاز می گیرند.
مفهوم: برای اشاره به افرادی استفاده می شود که همیشه تهدیدهای توخالی دارند.
معادل فارسی:
سنگ بزرگ نشانه ی نزدن است
از ان نترس که های و هوی دارد ، از ان بترس که سر به تو دارد.
:Alternative forms
barking dogs seldom bite
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
- * از آن نترس که های و هوی دارد، ز آن بترس که سر به تو دارد*
- از کسی که هارت و پورت می کنه نترس، طبل توخالیه.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- مفهوم کلی: از کسانی که دیگران را با داد و قال تهدید می کنند، نباید ترسید چون آنها بیشتر اهل حرف زدن هستند تا عمل کردن.
💎barking dogs seldom bite💎
1 ) to threaten someone, but not take action or follow through with threats
2 ) someone who makes a lot of noise but is harmless
3 ) be all show, posture or bluster
4 ) appear fierce or scary, but to be weak in reality
Example Sentences
👈“I haven’t finished my maths homework. You know what Mr Peterson is like, he’ll shout so loud they will hear him in the next town. ”
“Yes, but barking dogs seldom bite. It’s just his way. ”
👈That horrible couple next door keeps threatening to call the police when we play music, but barking dogs seldom bite
👈We have to put up with all this political posturing and noise every general election, but barking dogs seldom bite, and nothing ever changes
👈There is nothing to fear. Barking dogs seldom bite. They cannot do anything to us
Source: www. theidioms. com
💎a barking dog seldom bites💎
People who make themselves appear threatening rarely do any harm
. E. g
👈A: "I'm really scared to tell Mr. White that I haven't finished my project. You know how he yells. " B: "Yeah, but a barking dog seldom bites. He'll get over it. "
👈Sue may be intimidating, but that's just because she has to keep a whole department in line—a barking dog seldom bites
👈Mr. Stewart may yell a lot, but I doubt he'll do anything to you—a barking dog seldom bites
The FreeDictionary@
💎barking dogs seldom bite💎
People who make threats rarely carry them out
Wiktionary. org@
