bad word

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is used to describe words or language that is considered inappropriate, offensive, or vulgar. “Bad word” is a more mild and child - friendly way to refer to swear words.
کلمات یا زبانی که نامناسب، توهین آمیز یا مبتذل تلقی می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

روشی ملایم تر و مناسب تر برای کودکان برای اشاره به کلمات دشنام است.
“Using bad words is not allowed in the classroom. ”
A person might apologize for their language by saying, “Sorry for using a bad word. ”
In a conversation about offensive language, someone might ask, “What are some other examples of bad words?”
