bad tempered


(امریکا - خودمانی) بد دهنی کردن، خرده گیری کردن، عیب جویی کردن، بدخو، تندخو

بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
• : تعریف: having a bad temper or mood; cranky; irritable.
متضاد: affable, easygoing, good-tempered
مشابه: cross, ill-natured, petulant, quarrelsome, sour, sullen

- We were fearful of disturbing our bad-tempered father, so we approached him carefully.
[ترجمه Rn] ما از به هم زدن ارامش پدر تند خویمان میترسیدیم، بنابراین با احتیاط به او نزدیک شدیم
[ترجمه گوگل] ما از مزاحمت پدر بداخلاق خود می ترسیدیم، بنابراین با احتیاط به او نزدیک شدیم
[ترجمه ترگمان] ما از آزار دادن پدر bad ناراحت بودیم، بنابراین با احتیاط به او نزدیک شدیم
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• ill-tempered, angry, hot tempered, hot-headed
bad-tempered people become angry very easily.
a bad-tempered event or occasion is full of anger and bad feeling, and is likely to become violent.

پیشنهاد کاربران

زود قهر - کسیکه قَهرِش تو مُشتِشه ✊👊🤛🤜 و با کوچکترین تلنگر و مخالفتی گریه اش درمیاد یا دقیق تره بگیم عصبانی میشه ( کسیکه زود گریه اش درمیاد رو میگن crybaby )
کوتاهترین تعریف براش میشه Getting easily angry
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دقیقاً مترادف PETULANT هست
🔴 تعریف
◀️ مثال
🔴 easily annoyed or made angry
◀️ seldom has there been a more naughty and bad - tempered child
🔴 A bad - tempered person becomes angry and annoyed easily
◀️ She's very bad - tempered in the mornings!
◀️ He's so bad - tempered! He never should have become a teacher.
◀️ He will not reveal the truth to her, but is abrupt and bad - tempered.
◀️ I cannot help observing that that is the kind of bad - tempered and ill - mannered comment which has no place whatever in a debate of this kind
◀️ An uncomfortable driver is an inattentive and even bad - tempered one, and that is very dangerous.
◀️ Those who contributed to the somewhat bad - tempered atmosphere of the proceedings have since left for tea, and we may not see them again
◀️ It is not in our interests to be surrounded by the chaos and bad - tempered confusion of an abortive currency scheme.
◀️ Then people behind get angry and start hooting and everybody gets bad - tempered.
◀️ It has also been somewhat tetchy and bad - tempered in places.
◀️ He made an aggressive, bad - tempered and thoroughly unconstructive speech
مترادف های دیگری هم داره که مثال هاشو میزنیم الان :
◀️ Be careful what you say; he's very irritable today
◀️ I'm just a little tired and grumpy today.
◀️ I'm too impatient for fishing.
◀️ She's very cranky because she has a toothache.

عصبی و ایراد گیر
زودرنج و عصبی
often cross and angry
بد اخلاق

خرده گیر. . . بددهن. . . ایراد گیر
