ask questions

پیشنهاد کاربران

ask questions of someone/something
1 ) to put questions to someone that you want them to answer
💠 Who are you?
Michelle's nephew.
Michelle's nephew?
Have you been sent to spy on me?
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I don't know.
When someone older asks questions. . . Answer properly!
Are you going to work in the store?
I don't know.
Idiots like you, are what Ferguson needs. He can pocket what he likes, that bastard!
what are you doing?
Afraid, are you? Some hero!
تو کی هستی؟
خواهرزاده میشل.
خواهرزاده میشل؟
کار ما به کجاها کشیده! حالا تو رو گذاشتن منو بپای؟
چه میدونم بابا.
وقتی یه بزرگتر ازت سوال میکنه جواب بده بچه!
قراره تو انبار کار کنی؟
تو و امثال تو باعث میشید اون سگ مصب بتونه انبار خوب بچاپه و بالا بکشه!
داری چیکار میکنی؟
ترسیدی؟ پهلوون!
💠 Members of the grand jury are allowed to ask questions of witnesses.
2 ) to test someone's or something's ability or quality; to be difficult for someone to deal with
SYN: challenge - test
💠 These trials and tribulations ask questions of our character.
3 ) to wonder or doubt whether someone or something is good enough
SYN: doubt - question
💠 When you see others overtaking you, it makes you ask questions of your own ability.
