as sure as hell

پیشنهاد کاربران

✍ Definition: Absolutely certain 💯🔥
✅ Example: I’m as sure as hell that we will win this competition.
( As ) Sure as hell:
( خودمونی ) مرگ تو ( یه جور اطمینان داش مشتی )
used for general emphasis
Eg: I know what you want, as sure as hell.
من میدونم چی میخوای، مرگ تو.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Eg: that song sure as hell sounds familiar.
اون آهنگ مرگ تو آشنا به نظر میاد
Eg: sure as hell, he did it.
مرگ تو اون کارو کرد.
