
پیشنهاد کاربران

Here are the root words of the terms containing **"arche"** ( which comes from the Greek **ἀρχή**, meaning "beginning, " "origin, " or "rule" ) :
1. **Archetype**
- **Arche** ( beginning, origin ) ** - type** ( model, pattern )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2. **Archeology ( Archaeology ) **
- **Arche** ( ancient, origin ) ** - ology** ( study of )
3. **Arche**
- The root itself, meaning **beginning, origin, rule**.
4. **Archean**
- **Arche** ( origin, beginning ) ** - an** ( pertaining to )
5. **Archeopterix**
- **Arche** ( ancient, original ) ** - pterix** ( wing, from Greek **πτερόν** )
6. **Archegonium**
- **Arche** ( beginning, origin ) ** - gonium** ( a suffix indicating a reproductive organ, from Greek **γονή**, meaning "generation" or "birth" )
7. **Archetype**
- **Arche** ( origin, beginning ) ** - type** ( model, pattern )
8. **Archeo - **
- **Arche** ( ancient, original ) ** - o - ** ( a connecting vowel used in compound words )
Each of these words has **"arche"** as a base, conveying ideas of **origins**, **beginning**, or **leadership**, depending on the specific context of the word.

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