
پیشنهاد کاربران

A name aptly suited to a person's occupation, character, or personality. It often describes a situation where someone's name is humorously or ironically appropriate to their role or nature.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️نام شایسته ( اسم ) : نامی که به طور شایسته ای با شغل، شخصیت یا ماهیت فرد متناسب است. اغلب موقعیتی را توصیف می کند که در آن نام کسی به طور طنزآمیز یا به طرز مناسب با نقش یا طبیعت او هماهنگ است.
👈مترادف: Nominative Determinism, Fitting Name, Suitable Name
The dentist, Dr. Smiley, is an example of an aptronym.
It was an aptronym when the baker's name was Dough.
A firefighter named Blaze is a perfect aptronym.

a person's name that is regarded as amusingly appropriate to their occupation.
"he began collecting aptronyms when he saw an ad for a flower shop operated by Flora Gardner"
