angry indian

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term, though offensive and derogatory, refers to someone who displays anger or frustration in a professional setting. In the context of a resume, it may imply someone who has a history of unprofessional behavior or difficulty managing their emotions.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توهین آمیز و تحقیرآمیز
کسی که خشم یا ناامیدی را در یک محیط حرفه ای نشان می دهد.
در زمینه یک رزومه، ممکن است به شخصی اشاره شود که سابقه رفتار غیر حرفه ای یا مشکل در مدیریت احساسات خود دارد.
His angry Indian behavior during team meetings cost him job opportunities.
In a discussion about workplace professionalism, someone might mention, “Employers are wary of hiring candidates with a reputation for angry Indian tendencies. ”
A human resources manager might caution, “Avoid displaying angry Indian behavior during interviews or interactions with potential employers. It can significantly impact your chances of getting hired. ”
