

معنی: نفرین کردن، لعنت کردن، عاق کردن، مردود ساختن
معانی دیگر: تکفیر کردن، (کلیسا) رسما محکوم و منفور اعلام کردن، ملعون شناختن، نفرین شدن

بررسی کلمه

فعل گذرا ( transitive verb )
حالات: anathematizes, anathematizing, anathematized
(1) تعریف: to utter strong or vehement curses against (someone or something).
مترادف: curse, damn, execrate, imprecate
مشابه: denounce, excoriate, fulminate, proscribe

(2) تعریف: to declare to be accursed, condemned, excommunicated, or the like.
مترادف: damn, proscribe, stigmatize
مشابه: banish, censure, condemn, denounce, doom, excommunicate
فعل ناگذر ( intransitive verb )
مشتقات: anathematization (n.), anathematizer (n.)
(1) تعریف: to curse strongly or vehemently.
مترادف: curse, damn, swear
مشابه: blaspheme, cuss, fulminate

(2) تعریف: to declare someone or something to be anathema.

مترادف ها

نفرین کردن (فعل)
curse, cuss, anathematize, beshrew, imprecate

لعنت کردن (فعل)
damn, anathematize, beshrew, imprecate

عاق کردن (فعل)
damn, curse, anathematize, disinherit

مردود ساختن (فعل)

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• denounce, curse; excommunicate, ban (also anathematise)

پیشنهاد کاربران

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم ana
📌 این ریشه، معادل "back" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "back" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 anathema: something that is strongly disliked or hated, often with a sense of being "back" or cursed
🔘 anachronism: something placed in a time period where it does not belong, "back" in history
🔘 analogous: something similar to another, making a comparison or a “back” reference
🔘 analyze: to examine carefully, looking “back” at parts of something to understand it
🔘 anachronistic: out of place in time, "back" in an earlier period
🔘 analogize: to make an analogy, drawing comparisons or “back” references
🔘 analogy: a comparison showing similarities, often looking “back” to find connections
🔘 analysis: the process of breaking something into parts to better understand it, often by reviewing “back” at its components
🔘 analytic: relating to the use of logical reasoning or analysis, involving a “back” approach
🔘 anathematize: to curse or declare something to be evil, often in a way that sends it "back" from acceptance
🔘 anatomical: relating to the structure or “back” composition of the body
🔘 anatomize: to dissect or study something in detail, breaking it “back” into parts
🔘 anatomy: the study of the structure of living organisms, examining its "back" components

💢 دوستان کلمات زیر همگی مترادف هم هستند:
🔘 Abhor
🔘 Despise
🔘 Detest
🔘 Loathe
🔘 Hate
🔘 Scorn
🔘 Shun
🔘 Abominate
🔘 Anathematize
🔘 Contemn
🔘 Curse
🔘 Deprecate
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔘 Deride
🔘 Disapprove
🔘 Disdain
🔘 Disfavor
🔘 Disparage
🔘 Execrate
🔘 Nauseate
🔘 Spurn
✅ Definition:
👉 To feel or express intense dislike or hatred toward something or someone.

🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : anathematize
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : anathema
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : _
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : _
heretics anathematized by the church leaders
بدعت گذارانی که توسط رهبران کلیسا محکوم می شوند .
