an apple a day keeps the doctor away

خوردن روزانه ی میوه موجب سلامتی می شود

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• saying which means that eating apples helps and keeps a person

پیشنهاد کاربران

پیشگیری بهتر از درمان است.
✍ Definition: Eating healthy food, like an apple, can help maintain good health and prevent illness. 🍏
✅ Example: She always starts her morning with an apple because she believes an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Alternative form
an apple a day keeps the doctor at bay
Derived term
an apple a day
( by shortening )
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💎an apple a day keeps the doctor away💎
This means that eating an apple each day can help to keep you healthy
It is a common English - language proverb that advocating for the consumption of apples, and by extension, "if one eats healthy foods, one will remain in good health and will not need to see the doctor often
Wikipedia. org@
apples are healthy and stave off illnesses
healthy eating prevents illness
healthy habits stave off problems
Wiktionary. org@

💎an apple a day keeps the doctor away💎
1 ) Eating healthy foods will keep one from getting sick ( and needing to see a doctor )
Primarily heard in US
. E. g
👈Have an apple for a snack, instead of those chips. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, after all
👈A: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"
B: "OK, that saying is as untrue as it is annoying!"
👈People consider me eccentric for my insistence on going for a walk at dawn each morning, but an apple a day keeps the doctor away, as they say!
2 ) . Prov
Apples are so nutritious that if you eat an apple every day, you will not ever need to go to a doctor.
. E. g
👈. Remember to take an apple in your lunch today
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
👈Grandma always fed us lots of apples when we visited her. She believed that an apple a day keeps the doctor away
3 ) A proverbial preventive remedy. It gave rise to numerous humorous versions, such as “A stanza a day to keep the wolf away” by the poet Phyllis McGinley

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