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📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم ami
📌 این ریشه، معادل "friend" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "friend" مربوط هستند.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
📂 مثال:
🔘 amity: a peaceful friendship, particularly between countries
🔘 inimical: unfriendly and likely to cause harm
🔘 amicable: a person who is friendly and agreeable
🔘 amiability: a cheerful and agreeable mood
🔘 amiable: disposed to please, friendly
🔘 amiably: in a friendly or agreeable manner
🔘 amicability: a tendency to avoid quarrels
🔘 amicably: in a friendly and agreeable manner
🔘 amiga: the Spanish word for a female friend
🔘 amigo: a friend or comrade in Spanish