
مخفف: سفیرکبیر


[کامپیوتر] سازنده مدارهای یکپارچه دیجیتالی شامل ریز پردازنده های کا5.کا6 که جایگزین های سازگاری برای پینوم های اینتل هستند / سانی وبل / کالیفرنیامستقر است و از طریق اینترنت می توان به آن دسترسی یافت-Advanced micro devices

پیشنهاد کاربران

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم amb
📌 این ریشه، معادل "both" یا "around" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "both" یا "around" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 ambiguous: unclear or confusing because something can be understood in "both" or multiple ways
🔘 ambient: referring to the surroundings, environment, or atmosphere "around" you
🔘 ambit: the boundary or limit of a specific area, defining the space "around" something
🔘 ambition: a strong desire to achieve success, striving "towards" something
🔘 ambassador: a diplomat who represents their country "around" the world, particularly in foreign countries
🔘 ambassadress: a female ambassador who represents her country "around" the world
🔘 ambiance: the atmosphere or mood "around" a particular setting or place
🔘 ambience: similar to ambiance, it refers to the atmosphere or surrounding influence
🔘 ambiguity: the quality of having multiple possible meanings or interpretations
🔘 ambitious: having a strong desire for success, aiming "towards" achievement
🔘 ambitiously: acting with a strong desire to succeed or achieve something
🔘 unambiguous: clear and having one distinct meaning
🔘 unambitious: lacking a strong desire for success or achievement

از نظر ریشه شناسی به معنای هر دو/اطراف هست.
ambiguousIf you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in multiple ways.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

ambientAmbient sound, light, and temperature are those parts of the environment that surround you.
ambitAn ambit is the boundary that describes the limit of a given area.
ambitionSomeone who has ambition really wants to be successful at something and will work very hard to do it.
ambassadora diplomat of the highest rank
ambassadressa woman ambassador
ambiancea particular environment or surrounding influence
ambiencea particular environment or surrounding influence
ambiguityan expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context
ambitioushaving a strong desire for success or achievement
ambitiouslywith ambition
unambiguoushaving or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning
unambitioushaving little desire for success or achievement
