1. اگر همه چیز طبق آنگونه که انتظار میرفت، پیش بره. . .
if everything happens as expected:All things being equal, it will be very hard for a Democrat to win Georgia. 2.
Used to say what should happen or be true if two situations, products, etc. , are different in a
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
:specified way but not in other ways
All things being equal, a person with a PhD should be getting a higher salary than someone with only a master's degree.
In the event that all aspects of a situation remain the same
⭐All Things Being Equal⭐ In the event that all aspects of a situation remain the same⭐other things being equal⭐provided that other factors or circumstances remain the same👈🏿 "it follows that, other things being equal, the price level will rise"
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
⭐all things being equal⭐
if everything happens as expected
👈🏿 All things being equal, I'll be at home on Tuesday
👈🏿 All things being equal, as the election approaches, fundamental variables are given more weight in the voting decision
👈🏿 All things being equal this would be expected to lead to a smaller economic ripple effect for organic apple production
👈🏿 All things being equal, children who get started on a more promising trajectory will end up better
👈🏿 All things being equal, they will receive new treatments more quickly than individuals whose treatments are approved through the standard process
👈🏿 Thus, all things being equal, the frequency effects of input could be expected to be comparable for all three children
👈🏿 Therefore, all things being equal, advanced learners typically should show a greater degree of epenthesis than nonadvanced learners
:Alternative form
other things being equal
عبارت، با معادل فارسی:
*اگر اتفاق غیرمنتظره ای رخ ندهد - بی حرف پیش*
*اگه مشکل خاصی پیش نیاد - اگه همه چی خوب پیش بره*
All things being equal, I'll be at home on Tuesday
بی حرف پیش، من سه شنبه خانه خواهم بود.
چیزی درست است اگر عوامل دیگری آن را تغییر ندهد
1 ) اگه اتفاق غیر منتظره ای نیفته
2 ) بی حرف پیش
در شرایط مساوی/برابر
اگه موضوع خاصی در میون نباشه
در شرایط برابر
اگر همه چیز مساوی باشه
به من باشه!