all that glitters is not gold

(عامیانه) 1- (در ساختارهای منفی) آنقدرها هم نه، نه آن مقدار، 2- و چیزهای مشابه، و غیره، نباید گول ظواهر را خورد

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• something that looks valuable is sometimes truly worthless

پیشنهاد کاربران

“All that glitters is not gold” is a well - known idiom that means that something that looks valuable or attractive may not be so. The phrase suggests that appearances can be deceiving and that things are not always what they seem.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The phrase is derived from a line in William Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”. The original line was “All that glisters is not gold”. The phrase has been used in various forms throughout history, including “All is not gold that glitters” and “Not all that glitters is gold”.
هر چیزی که می درخشد طلا نیست یک اصطلاح معروف است به این معنی که چیزی که با ارزش یا جذاب به نظر می رسد ممکن است اینطور نباشد. این عبارت نشان می دهد که ظاهر می تواند فریبنده باشد و چیزها همیشه آنطور که به نظر می رسند نیستند.
این عبارت از خطی در نمایشنامه تاجر ونیز اثر ویلیام شکسپیر گرفته شده است. خط اصلی این بود: "All that glisters is not gold". این عبارت در طول تاریخ به اشکال مختلف استفاده شده است، از جمله "All is not gold that glitters" و "Not all that glitters is gold".
The new car looked great, but it turned out to be a lemon. All that glitters is not gold.
The job offer seemed too good to be true, and it was. All that glitters is not gold.
The painting looked like an original, but it was a fake. All that glitters is not gold.

[ضرب المثل] یعنی هر گردی گردو نیست
:Alternative forms
all that glitters/glistens/glisters is not gold
⭐all that glitters is not gold⭐
said about something that seems to be good on the surface, but might not be when you look at it more closely
⭐all that glitters is not gold⭐
said to mean that someone or something may not be as good or as valuable as they first appear
. E. g
👈All that glitters is not gold and it's a good idea to delay finalizing any important agreements, otherwise you may jeopardize a valuable relationship
👈All that glitters is not gold, remember
👈Try to remember that all that glitters is not gold, so be careful if parting with money
👈Remember: all that glitters is not gold, so don't pay for something if you're not certain about it.
👈All that glitters is not gold, either
⭐all that glitters/glistens/glisters is not gold⭐
​1 ) ( saying )
not everything that seems good, attractive, etc. is actually good, etc
2 ) proverb
the attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true nature
⭐all that glitters is not gold⭐
1 ) the shining outer look of something is not a consistent sign of its real character
2 ) not everyone that appears good, turns out to be good
3 ) not everything that is apparently glittery is precious
4 ) something that looks to be perfect but not in real
Example Sentences
👈My grandmother advised me to be careful about making new friends because all that glitters is not gold
👈After being cheated by many handsome guys, she finally realised that all that glitters is not gold
👈I know that Christie is a beautiful girl but don’t forget all that glitters is not gold
👈Mark recently bought an attractive wrist - watch, and it stopped after few weeks. All that glitters is not gold
👈I never prefer to wear a bling rather I like being relaxed – all that glitters is not gold!
Source: www. theidioms. com
⭐"All that glitters is not gold"⭐
is an aphorism stating that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so
Wikipedia. org@
ضرب المثل، با معادل های فارسی:
*هر گردی گردو نیست. *
*از این حسن تا آن حسن، صد گز رسن*
( اشاره به دو چیز ظاهرا مشابه که از نظر ارزش و مقام تفاوت زیادی با هم داشته باشند. )
- ترجمه: هر چیزی که می درخشد طلا نیست
( هر آنچه که بدرخشد، طلا نیست )
- مفهوم: شاید ظاهر بسیار از چیزها و امور مشابه و شبیه هم باشند اما در فطرت و ذات همیشه یکسان نیستند و این ضرب المثل برای کنایه از شباهت ظاهری و داشتن تفاوت باطنی زیاد است.
چیزی که از دور خیلی با ارزش و زیبا بنظر میرسه ، در ظاهر ممکنه بی ارزش و نازیبا باشه.
It used to point out the appearance can be deceptive and the similar proverb in English is "dont judge a book by its cover
هر کی سیبیل داره بابای تو نیست
هرچیزی که میدرخشد طلا نیس
هر گردی گردو نیست
