ai washing

پیشنهاد کاربران

AI washing
the behaviour of an organization, etc. that tries to make people believe that it is using AI to make its products or services better, when really it is not doing this or is only partly doing it
[مشاهده متن کامل]

رفتار یک سازمان و غیره که سعی می کند مردم را به این باور برساند که از هوش مصنوعی برای بهبود محصولات یا خدمات خود استفاده می کند، در حالی که واقعاً این کار را انجام نمی دهد یا فقط تا حدی آن را انجام می دهد.
When it comes to AI washing, there are several types. Some companies claim to use AI when they’re actually using less - sophisticated computing, while others overstate the efficacy of their AI over existing techniques, or suggest that their AI solutions are fully operational when they are not.

