agree on

پیشنهاد کاربران

Agree on به توافق رسیدن
Agree with با کسی موافق بودن
Agree to به انجام کاری رضایت دادن
⬛ Agree with
⬛ Agree to
⬛ Agree on
⬛ Agree about
⬛ Agree that
⬛ Agree
تمام اینارو داریم. فرقشون چیه و کجا بکار میرن ؟
اما در ابتد، این ایموجی ( ◀️ ) برای نمایش دادن مثال ها بکار میره. بقیه اش توضیحات انگلیسی هست که میتونید مطالعه کنید
[مشاهده متن کامل]

We agree with a person if we have the same opinion as that person
If someone says “I think it’s important to preserve the environment” and you share that opinion, you can say “I agree with you. ” You could also simply say “I agree. ” Here are a few more examples of agreeing with someone else :
◀️My teacher says reading is very important, and I agree with her
◀️I don’t agree with my relatives when it comes to politics
We can also agree with/disagree with a statement, a decision, an article, an opinion, an idea, or another form of communication or position:
This is a well - researched book, and I agree with most of the◀️ points in it
◀️ My parents support that politician because they agree with her stance on the economy
2. AGREE ON / AGREE ABOUT مثل هم هستند
We agree on or about a topic or plan
Here are some examples:
◀️Everyone on the team agreed on a date for the meeting.
◀️My husband and I agree about the best way to educate our kids
◀️The students need to agree on how to do the project.
◀️We can be friends even if we don’t agree about everything
Note the difference – we agree on/about a topic; we agree with someone’s opinion/statement on a topic.
Take a look at these two examples – let’s say I’m a vegetarian, and my sister is not
◀️My sister and I don’t agree about the ethics of eating meat
◀️I don’t agree with my sister’s opinions about eating meat
Agree that is followed by the thing that we agree on
The difference from the previous example is that agree on/about is followed by a noun or a question word ( agree on politics, agree about where to have the party ) , whereas agree that is followed by a subject verb, or the - ING form of the verb :
◀️He agreed that it was a great movie
◀️I agree that saving 10% of your salary is a good idea.
◀️She agrees that we should clean the house more often.
◀️Doctors agree that washing your hands helps keep you healthy
We agree to do an action – so agree to is followed by a verb – and this means you promise to do the action:
◀️I agreed to give them a ride home from work.
◀️We all agreed to meet up at 8:00.
◀️He’s so lazy; he never agrees to help out.
◀️I lent her money and she agreed to pay me back tomorrow
We can also agree to the terms of a contract; this means we consent to it, we accept it :
◀️!Hey, I never agreed to this price increase
? What To Say After AGREE
So let’s review: مرور دوباره
⬛ Agree with a person
◀️ Everyone agrees with me
⬛ Agree with a statement/idea/opinion
◀️ I agree with his perspective
⬛ Agree on/about a topic
◀️ We agree on the best course of action
⬛ Agree that something is true/good
◀️ They agree that an apology is necessary
⬛ Agree to do something
◀️ She agreed to help me study for the test
چکیده به فارسی :
🔴 Agree with برای موافقت با فرد، نظر، ایده، حرف و گفتار بقیه
🔴 Agree on/About برای موافقت در یک برنامه و نقشه و تصمیم
🔴 Agree to موافقت برای انجام کاری که ادامه جمله در قالب to do میاد
🔴 Agree that بعدش چیزی که سرش به توافق رسیدید میاد. فرقش با Agree on/about اینه که بعد اون اسم یا کلمه پرسشی میومد اما در Agree that بعدش فاعل، فعل یا شکل ing دارِ فعل میاد
Agree on معنیش میشه توافق کردن - به توافق رسیدن

توافق داشتن
یک فرد با هم نظری و مشورت با دیگران به یک نتیجه مشترک می رسند. مثلاً برای تعیین زمان عروسی آنها با همدیگر به یک زمان مشترک رسیدن.
به اشتراک گذاشتن نظرات و ایده های یکسان درباره موضوع ها یا هر چیزی
