across the aisle

پیشنهاد کاربران

In a political context, it means cooperation or collaboration between opposing political parties, typically referring to Democrats and Republicans in the United States. More generally, it means working with or reaching out to someone who has different views or opinions.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

/əˈkrɔs �i ˈaɪl/
در یک زمینه سیاسی، به معنای همکاری یا تعامل بین احزاب مخالف سیاسی است، که معمولاً به دموکرات ها و جمهوری خواهان در ایالات متحده اشاره دارد. به طور کلی، به معنای همکاری با کسی است که دیدگاه ها یا نظرات متفاوتی دارد.
The senator is known for his efforts to work across the aisle on important legislation.
Achieving progress on this issue will require leaders to reach across the aisle.
They were able to find common ground by working across the aisle.
مترادف: Bipartisan, collaborative, cooperative
متضاد: Partisan, divided
