

معنی: توانا، قابل، مستعد، لایق، شایسته، اماده، با استعداد، صلاحیت دار، دارای صلاحیت قانونی، خلیق
معانی دیگر: قادر، دارای استطاعت، حق داشتن، قابل ... بودن، ماهر، چیره دست، ماهرانه، vi ,، vt : توانابودن، شایستگی داشتن، لایق بودن، مناسب بودن، اماده بودن، ارایش دادن، لباس پوشاندن، قوی کردن، مطیع، دارای صلاحیت قانونی
پسوند:، قادر، - شدنی [perishable]، -پذیر [manageable]، درخور، - داشتنی [lovable]، دارای خصوصیات ویژه [comfortable]

بررسی کلمه

پسوند ( suffix )
(1) تعریف: capable or worthy of being the object of (such) an action.

- likable
[ترجمه حبیب] قابل لایک شدن
[ترجمه گوگل] دوست داشتنی
[ترجمه ترگمان] دوست داشتنی
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
- returnable
[ترجمه حبیب] چیزی که قابل بازگشتن هست
[ترجمه گوگل] قابل برگشت
[ترجمه ترگمان] برگشت
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
- incorrigible
[ترجمه گوگل] اصلاح ناپذیر
[ترجمه ترگمان] اصلاح ناپذیر!
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

(2) تعریف: tending toward, capable of, or fit for (such) a state or action.

- peaceable
[ترجمه گوگل] صلح آمیز
[ترجمه ترگمان]
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
- marriageable
[ترجمه عبدالفرید] مناسب ازدواج
[ترجمه گوگل] قابل ازدواج
[ترجمه ترگمان] marriageable
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

(3) تعریف: having.

- reasonable
[ترجمه گوگل] معقول
[ترجمه ترگمان] معقول است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
صفت ( adjective )
حالات: abler, ablest
(1) تعریف: having the skill, power, or opportunity that one must have to do a thing.
مترادف: capable, competent, powerful, qualified, skillful
متضاد: incapable, inept, unable
مشابه: intelligent, potent, practiced, proficient, skilled, strong, versed

- Most birds are able to fly.
[ترجمه گوگل] بیشتر پرندگان قادر به پرواز هستند
[ترجمه ترگمان] بیشتر پرندگان قادر به پرواز هستند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
- Since his accident, he has not been able to drive.
[ترجمه گوگل] از زمان تصادف، او قادر به رانندگی نیست
[ترجمه ترگمان] از وقتی که اون تصادف کرده نتونسته رانندگی کنه
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
- We won't be able to attend the reception because we have another engagement.
[ترجمه عبدالفرید] ما نمی توانیم در مهمانی حضور داشته باشیم چون قرار ملاقات دیگری داریم.
[ترجمه گوگل] چون نامزدی دیگری داریم نمی توانیم در پذیرایی شرکت کنیم
[ترجمه ترگمان] ما نمی توانیم در مراسم شرکت کنیم، چون ما یک قرار ملاقات دیگر داریم
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

(2) تعریف: having a high degree of ability, talent, or skill.
مترادف: adept, expert, gifted, masterful, proficient, talented
متضاد: incompetent
مشابه: adroit, deft, dextrous, strong

- He is a very able student, but he needs to put in more effort.
[ترجمه عبدالفرید] او یک دانش آموز بسیار توانمندی است اما نیاز به تلاش بیشتری دارد
[ترجمه گوگل] او دانش آموز بسیار توانمندی است، اما باید تلاش بیشتری کند
[ترجمه ترگمان] او دانش آموز بسیار خوبی است، اما باید تلاش بیشتری انجام دهد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

(3) تعریف: legally qualified, certified, or authorized.

- The soldier has recovered from his injuries and is now able for duty.
[ترجمه گوگل] این سرباز از شدت جراحات بهبود یافته و اکنون قادر به انجام وظیفه است
[ترجمه ترگمان] سرباز از جراحات او نجات پیدا کرده است و اکنون قادر به انجام وظیفه است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

جمله های نمونه

1. able to read
قادر به خواندن

2. being able to speak spanish smoothed my path
توانایی صحبت کردن به زبان اسپانیایی راه مرا هموار کرد.

3. a hill able to be climbed
تپه ای که می توان از آن بالا رفت

4. are animals able to think?
آیا حیوانات قادر به تفکر هستند؟

5. he is able to run with the best
او می تواند به خوبی بهترین دوندگان بدود.

6. she was able to inject humor into her long lecture
او قادر بود نطق طولانی خود را با مزاح بیامیزد.

7. he is not able to buy the house
او استطاعت خرید خانه را ندارد.

8. he was not able to perform his editorial duties on account of illness
به واسطه ی بیماری قادر به انجام وظایف سردبیری نبود.

9. he was soon able to nose out where the money had been hidden
او به زودی قادر شد که به محل اختفای پول ها پی ببرد.

10. industries must be able to compete in the free marketplace
صنایع بایستی بتوانند در بازار آزاد رقابت کنند.

11. iranian women are able to vote
زن های ایرانی دارای حق رای هستند.

12. our factory is able to satisfy the country's need for bicycles
کارخانه ی ما می تواند نیاز کشور به دوچرخه را پاسخگو باشد.

13. people should be able to express themselves in the free market of ideas
مردم باید بتوانند عقاید خود را در بازار آزاد اندیشه ها بیان کنند.

14. she was not able to tackle that problem
او قادر نبود که به آن مسئله رسیدگی کند.

15. some animals are able to see in the dark
بعضی از حیوانات می توانند در تاریکی ببینند.

16. the germans were able to field three armies simultaneously
آلمان ها قادر بودند هم زمان سه ارتش را به میدان (جنگ) بیاورند.

17. they should be able to look after themselves
بایستی بتوانند از خودشان توجه کنند.

18. together they were able to lift the sack of rice
آنها توانستند با هم کیسه ی برنج را بلند کنند.

19. will america be able to maintain its domination in computer technology?
آیا امریکا خواهد توانست برتری خود را در تکنولوژی کامپیوتر حفظ کند؟

20. would i be able to help?
کمکی از دست من برمی آید؟

21. you won't be able to sell it other than by reducing the price
نمی توانی آن را بفروشی مگر با کم کردن قیمت.

22. a shoe that is able to be repaired
کفشی که قابل تعمیر است

23. his wife is not able to conceive
زن او نمی تواند آبستن بشود.

24. how will i be able to repay your kindness
چگونه خواهیم توانست مهربانی های تو را تلافی کنم.

25. i have never been able to relate to him
هرگز نتوانسته ام با اوتفاهم برقرار کنم.

26. they have not been able to date these old jugs yet
هنوز نتوانسته اند تاریخ این کوزه های قدیمی را تعیین کنند.

27. when will she be able to travel?
کی خواهد توانست سفر کند؟

28. scientists have not yet been able to understand the many riddles of cancer
دانشمندان هنوز نتوانسته اند اسرار فراوان سرطان را درک کنند.

29. so far we have been able to contain that contagious disease
تا به حال توانسته ایم آن بیماری واگیر را مهار کنیم.

30. the pupil of the eye is able to dilate and contract
مردمک چشم می تواند گشاد و تنگ شود.

31. he knew that he would not be able to kill the evil in the world
او می دانست که نخواهد توانست بدی را از دنیا ریشه کن کند.

32. it is a real luxury to be able to travel where one pleases
واقعا نعمتی است که انسان بتواند هر کجا خواست سفر کند.

33. one must be a saint to be able to get along with this woman!
آدم باید امام زاده باشد تا بتواند با این زن بسازد!

34. an ignorance which even religion has not been able to extirpate
جهالتی که حتی مذهب هم نتوانسته است آن را ریشه کن کند

35. because of other commitments, i will not be able to go to the party tonight
به واسطه ی مشغله های دیگر امشب نخواهم توانست به مهمانی بروم.

36. he concealed his hostility in order to be able to strike better
او دشمنی خود را مخفی می کرد تا بتواند بهتر ضربه بزند.

37. i am not in a position to be able to help you
در وضعی نیستم که بتوانم به تو کمک کنم.

38. when it comes to teaching, he is quite able
در تدریس بسیار ماهر است.

39. all the priests in the world have not been able to thwart lovers
همه ی کشیش های دنیا هم نتوانسته اند جلو عشاق را بگیرند.

40. milton secluded himself for five years in a village so as to be able to study
میلتون پنج سال خود را در دهکده ای منزوی کرد تا بتواند مطالعه کند.

مترادف ها

توانا (صفت)
able, mighty, capable, puissant, authoritative

قابل (صفت)
able, capable, good, qualified, apt, thorough-paced

مستعد (صفت)
able, apt, talented, disposed, prepared, fit

لایق (صفت)
able, capable, worthy, competent, adequate

شایسته (صفت)
able, good, qualified, apt, fit, worthy, competent, proper, sufficient, suitable, meet, apropos, befitting, intrinsic, seemly, becoming, deserving, meritorious

اماده (صفت)
able, apt, ready, provided, present, stock, handy, beforehand, presentient, fresh, prompt

با استعداد (صفت)
able, capable, brilliant, clever

صلاحیت دار (صفت)
able, capable, adequate, sufficient

دارای صلاحیت قانونی (صفت)

خلیق (صفت)
able, worthy, humane, polite, suitable

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• capable, competent; talented
-able is added to some verbs to form adjectives which describe someone or something as being able to have something done to them. for example, something that is identifiable can be identified.
if you are able to do something, you have the skill, knowledge, means, or opportunity to do it.
an able person is clever or good at doing something.

پیشنهاد کاربران

توانا ( قادر به انجام کاری )
She is able to speak three languages.
ماهر ( دارای مهارت و استعداد )
He is an able student.
✍ توضیح: Having the power or skill to do something 💪
🔍 مترادف: Capable
✅ مثال: She is able to solve difficult puzzles quickly.
توانا ، قابل، مستعد ، با استعداد بودن
از نظر ریشه شناسی به معنای دستی/ قادر به هست.
redoubtableIf you describe someone as redoubtable, you have great respect for their power and strength; you may be afraid of them as well.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

immutableSomething that is immutable is always the same and cannot be changed.
amenableIf you are amenable to doing something, you willingly accept it without arguing.
intractableIntractable problems, situations, or people are very difficult or impossible to deal with.
inimitableSomeone, such as a performer or athlete, is inimitable when they are so good or unique in their talent that it is unlikely anyone else can be their equal.
delectableIf you describe something, especially food and drink, as delectable, you mean that it is very pleasant, tasty, or attractive.
malleableSomeone who is malleable is easily influenced or controlled by other people.
ineluctableSomething that is ineluctable is impossible to avoid or escape, however much you try.
inexorableThe adjective inexorable describes a process that is impossible to stop once it has begun.
implacableIf someone is implacable, they very stubbornly react to situations or the opinions of others because of strong feelings that make them unwilling to change their mind.
irreproachableAn irreproachable person is very honest and so morally upright that their behavior cannot be criticized.
irrevocableAn irrevocable action or decision is impossible to change, reverse, or stop.
imperturbableIf someone is imperturbable, they are always calm and not easily upset or disturbed by any situation, even dangerous ones.
impregnableAn impregnable fortress or castle is very difficult to defeat or overcome; an opinion or argument of that same quality is almost impossible to successfully change or challenge.
ineffableThe adjective ineffable refers to something that is so impressive and beautiful that you cannot describe it in words.
formidableIf something is formidable, it is impressive in size, power, or skill; therefore, it can make you feel frightened, alarmed, or in awe because it is so powerful or difficult to deal with.
interminableSomething that is interminable continues for a very long time in a boring or annoying way.
irreconcilableTwo irreconcilable opinions or points of view are so opposed to each other that it is not possible to accept both of them or reach a settlement between them.
impeccableIf you describe someone's appearance or behavior as impeccable, you mean that it is perfect and therefore impossible to criticize.
indefatigableIf someone is indefatigable, they never show signs of getting tired.
palpableIf a mood or feeling is palpable, it is so strong and intense that it is easily noticed and is almost able to be physically felt.
inestimableSomething that has inestimable value or benefit has so much of it that it cannot be calculated.
venerableVenerable people command respect because they are old and wise.
insatiableIf someone has an insatiable desire for something, they always want more of it and never feel as though they have enough.
palatableIf you describe something as palatable, such as an idea or suggestion, you believe that people will accept it; palatable food or drink is agreeable to the taste.
tenableA tenable argument is able to be maintained or defended because there is sufficient evidence to support it.
unconscionableAn action or deed is unconscionable if it is excessively shameful, unfair, or unjust and its effects are more severe than is reasonable or acceptable.
culpableIf you are culpable for an action, you are held responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened.
potablePotable water is clean and safe to drink.
despicableIf you say a person's actions are despicable, you think they are extremely unpleasant or nasty.
inequitableIf you say something is inequitable, you are saying that it is unjust because it is not equally fair for everyone.
inscrutableSomething inscrutable is very hard to figure out, discover, or understand what it is all about.
amicableAn amicable person is very friendly and agreeable towards others.
impenetrableAn impenetrable barrier cannot be gotten through by any means; this word can refer to parts of a building such as walls and doors—or to a problem of some kind that cannot be solved.
inalienableAn inalienable right is a privilege that cannot be taken away.
inconceivableSomething that is inconceivable cannot be imagined or thought of; that is, it is beyond reason or unbelievable.
inconsolableSomeone who is inconsolable has been so devastated by a terrible event that no one can help them feel better about it.
indispensableAn indispensable item is absolutely necessary or essential—it cannot be done without.
indomitableAn indomitable foe cannot be beaten.
inflammableAn inflammable substance or person's temper is easily set on fire.
invulnerableSomeone or something that is invulnerable cannot be harmed in any way; hence, they or it is completely safe or secure.
lamentableA lamentable state of affairs is miserable and just plain awful.
unflappableWhen you are unflappable, you remain calm, cool, and collected in even the most trying of situations.
unquenchableAn unquenchable desire or thirst cannot be satisfied or gotten rid of.
veritableSomething that is veritable is authentic, actual, genuine, or without doubt.
viableA viable project is practical or can be accomplished; therefore, it is worth doing.
irrefutableAn irrefutable argument or statement cannot be proven wrong; therefore, it must be accepted because it is certain.
sustainableSomething sustainable can be maintained, supported, or kept going over a long period of time.
invariableAn invariable quantity is constant or unchanging.
inhospitableAn inhospitable person is unfriendly or not very welcoming to another.
durableA durable material is strong and lasts a long time; it does not wear out easily.
inevitableSomething that is inevitable will certainly occur because it cannot be avoided.
deplorableWhen someone's conduct is deplorable, it is shameful, very unacceptable, or really bad.
equableThat which is equable, such as a climate or someone's personality, is unvarying, steady, calm, and uniform.
indubitableA conclusion or statement that is indubitable is certain, unquestionable, or true beyond the shadow of a doubt.
insuperableThat which is insuperable, such as a barrier or challenge, is not able to be overcome, surpassed, or dealt with.
capableSomeone who is capable of doing a job is skilled or good at it.
availableThings that are available are present and so are ready to use.
variableSomething that is variable is likely to change often.
favorableIf something is favorable, such as the weather or an opinion, it is good or agreeable.
reliableSomeone who is reliable can be trusted to do what they say they are going to do.
portableSomething portable can be carried or moved around easily.
unstableSomething unstable, such as a building or government, is not strong and has problems; therefore, it can change suddenly for the worse or fail in some way.
maneuverablecapable of maneuvering or changing position

بعضی مواقع معنی باهوش، مستعد، نخبه و. . . میده.
برای مثال an able child یعنی کودک مستعد
قادر - توانا
مثال: She is able to speak four languages fluently.
او قادر به صحبت کردن به چهار زبان به روانی است.
توانا، قادر
( Make sb/sth to do sth )
[کسی یا چیزی را مجاز کردن یا توانایی انجام کاری را به او دادن]
اگه شما هم مثل من عضو کانون زبان ایران هستید لایک یادتون نره😘😘
دو روش برایِ ترگویه یِ پسوندِ " bar - " در زبانِ آلمانی و " able - " در زبانِ عَن گلیسی:
1 - بکارگیریِ پسوندِ " - پذیر "
مانندِ " کاهش پذیر، افزایش ناپذیر، ساختارپذیر و. . . .
2 - بکارگیریِ ریختِ مصدریِ واژه به همراهِ پسوندِ " ی":
مانندِ " خواستنی، پذیرفتنی، دیدنی، خوردنی و. . . .
🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : enable
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : ability
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : able
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : ably
able فقط یه معنی داری* قادر *
I was able to do that but i didn't
میتونستم اون کارو بکنم ولی نکردم
کلی کلمه هم اخرشومئن این کلمه هست مثل
Breakable شکستنی در واقع قابل شکستن
reliable قابل اعتماد
زیرکانه - هوشمندانه
Awlie siteton harchi mikham dre dmeton garm
به معنی توانا یا توانایی چیزی را داشتن
زمانی که در جایگاه پسوند بیاید می توان آن را به شکل زیر ترجمه کنیم.
برای نمونه: trackable
دنبال پذیر، دنبال شَوا، دنبال شدنی، دنبالی
I was able to be the best
قادر بودن
توانایی قابل بودن
در دسترس ، قدرت، توانایی
توانا هم معنیcan&could
توانا بودن در کاری:هم معنی can
توانا بودن در کاری:هم معنی اش can
Be able to have the power and knowledge to do something
توانا، با استعداد، زرنگ
همه فن حریف
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ٣٠)
