a taste of your own medicine

پیشنهاد کاربران

زمانی ازین عبارت استفاده میکنیم که بخواهیم به یک نفر بگیم همون فلاکت و بدبختی که سر بقیه آوردی هم سر خودت میاد یا اومده یا خواهد اومد.
🔴 You use the expression ‘A Taste of Your Own Medicine’ to indicate that someone is sampling the same unpleasantness they’ve been dishing out to others.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ Example of use:�“I don’t feel at all sorry that people are calling you names. You’re getting a taste�of your own medicine. ”
◀️ For decades, Britain has created extremist Islamic sects in the Middle East. Maybe it's the time to give them a taste of their medicine.
💎 Interesting fact about A Taste of Your Own Medicine
The origin of the phrase ‘a taste of your own medicine’ comes from Aesop’s famous story about a swindler who sells fake medicine, claiming that it can cure anything. When he falls ill, people give him his own medicine, which he knows will not work.

این آشیه که خودت پختی
چاه کن ته چاه
هر بلایی سر کسی بیاری ، سر خودتم میاد
با زبانی که اون حالیشه بهش حالی کنی
عواقب کار خود را چشیدن
چیزی که عوض داره، گله نداره!
هر بلایی سر کسی آوردن بر سر خود آمدن
