a taste of your own medicine

پیشنهاد کاربران

ترتیب: قدیمیجدیدرای موافقرای مخالف
Maryam Jamshidi٢١:١٤ - ١٤٠٣/١٢/٠٥جواب های، هویه!
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مریم سالک زمانی٠٨:٢٧ - ١٤٠٣/١٠/٢٣Bad treatment deservedly received for treating other people
After constantly being prank - called, Julian decided to give Juan a taste of his own medicine and ordered twenty - seven
pizzas to be delivered to Juan’s house
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A L C Y O N E U S٠٧:٤٣ - ١٤٠٢/٠٨/٢٠زمانی ازین عبارت استفاده میکنیم که بخواهیم به یک نفر بگیم همون فلاکت و بدبختی که سر بقیه آوردی هم سر خودت میاد یا اومده یا خواهد اومد.
🔴 You use the expression ‘A Taste of Your Own Medicine’ to indicate that someone is sampling the same unpleasantness they’ve been dishing out to others.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ Example of use:�“I don’t feel at all sorry that people are calling you names. You’re getting a taste�of your own medicine. ”
◀️ For decades, Britain has created extremist Islamic sects in the Middle East. Maybe it's the time to give them a taste of their medicine.
💎 Interesting fact about A Taste of Your Own Medicine
The origin of the phrase ‘a taste of your own medicine’ comes from Aesop’s famous story about a swindler who sells fake medicine, claiming that it can cure anything. When he falls ill, people give him his own medicine, which he knows will not work.

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سپیده١٠:٢٣ - ١٤٠٢/٠٢/١٤این آشیه که خودت پختی
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خودم٠٩:٥٧ - ١٤٠١/١٢/٢٤چاه کن ته چاه
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٠٩:٥٧ - ١٤٠١/٠٩/٢٣کارما
هر بلایی سر کسی بیاری ، سر خودتم میاد
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نازلی١٤:١٩ - ١٤٠١/٠٤/٢٩با زبانی که اون حالیشه بهش حالی کنی
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عبداله عطائی١٦:٣٦ - ١٤٠١/٠٤/١٥عواقب کار خود را چشیدن
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محمدرضا رحیمی١٥:٢٩ - ١٣٩٩/٠٢/٠٣چیزی که عوض داره، گله نداره!
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Vida foruzan١١:٣٤ - ١٣٩٨/٠٤/٣٠هر بلایی سر کسی آوردن بر سر خود آمدن
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