Meaning: Way of asking what someone is thinking.
Example: After several minutes of silence he finally looked at her and said, “A penny
for your thoughts, Lily. ”
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you are thinking?
With the implication that
You are willing to pay money to know
what someone actually thinking
This saying is used to ask someone to share their thoughts or what they are currently thinking about. ضرب المثل
درخواست از کسی برای به اشتراک گذاشتن افکار خود یا آنچه در حال حاضر به آن فکر می کند
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
تو ذهنت چیه؟
For instance, if someone appears deep in thought, you might say, “A penny for your thoughts?”
In a conversation with a friend, you might ask, “You seem quiet. A penny for your thoughts?”
A person trying to start a conversation might say, “So, what’s on your mind? A penny for your thoughts?”
یه چیزی بگو
چی تو ذهنته؟
🔰A Penny for Your Thoughts?What are you thinking:Alternative forms - penny for your thoughts - a penny for them🔰a ) penny for your thoughts ) 1 - said when you want to know what another person is thinking, usually because they have been quiet for a while
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
2 - I would like to know what you are thinking
👈🏿 You haven't said very much – a penny for your thoughts
🔰a ) penny for your thoughts idiom )
—used to ask what someone is thinking about
👈🏿 "A penny for your thoughts?" "Oh, I'm just thinking about what I want to do over the weekend. "
Merriam - WebsterDictionary@
🔰a penny for your thoughts | a penny for them
( saying )
used to ask somebody what they are thinking about
عبارت گفتاری، با مفهوم فارسی:
*داری به چی فکر میکنی؟*
*چی تو ذهنته؟*
اشاره دوستمون:
*چی تو کلّت میگذره؟*
به چی فکر میکنی
( کجایی؟ ) ( کجا سیر میکنی؟ )
چی تو کلّت میگذره؟
چی تو ذهنته ؟
به چی فکر میکنی ؟