ترتیب: قدیمیجدیدرای موافقرای مخالف
آزاده٠٩:٣٦ - ١٤٠٣/٠٦/٠٦عبارت “دانش کم، چیز خطرناکی است” ایده را بیان می کند؛ مقدار کمی از دانش ممکن است موجب شود که یک نفر با خود فکر کن همه چیز در مورد یک حقیقت را می داند. البته که این طور نیست!
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Farhood١١:٣٣ - ١٤٠١/٠١/١٨OR
a little learning is a dangerous thing
🔰a little knowledge is a dangerous thing🔰
1 ) proverb
Having a precursory or limited amount of knowledge about something can make one overestimate how well they will be able to do something much larger in scope or scale
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
. E. g
👈Just because she painted her room by herself, now she thinks she can do the entire house—inside and out! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, I tell you
👈Does he seriously think he can represent himself in court just because he went to a few semesters of law school? Hoo boy, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
👈A: "Allie has only driven a few times during the day, but, now, she wants to borrow the car all the time, even at night. "
B: "Well, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. "
2 ) , Also
a little learning is a dangerous thing
Knowing a little about something tempts one to overestimate one's abilities
For example, I know you've assembled furniture, but that doesn't mean you can build an entire wall system; remember, a little knowledge
ضرب المثل، با مترادف فارسی:
*نیم طبیب خطر جان، نیم فقیه خطر ایمان*
*دو کس دشمن ملک و دیننند، یکی پادشاه بی حلم و دیگری زاهد بی علم. "سعدی"*
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
ضرب المثل، با مترادف فارسی:
*نیم طبیب خطر جان، نیم فقیه خطر ایمان*
*دو کس دشمن ملک و دیننند، یکی پادشاه بی حلم و دیگری زاهد بی علم. "سعدی"*
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