a little bird told me

یک پرنده کوچک به من گفت

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• someone told me but i don't want to reveal their name

پیشنهاد کاربران

I don’t wish to divulge where I got the information
said when someone has told you a secret, but you do not want to say who
کلاغه خبر اورده
e. g:
How did you know that ?
A little bird told me
e. g :
Who told you that?
A little bird told me
used to say that you have heard a piece of information about someone from someone else
کلاغه گفت، کلاغه خبر آورده
"How did you know it was my birthday?" "Α little bird told me"
A little bird told me that they used to work together
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"How did you know he was leaving?" "Oh, let's just say a little bird told me"

کلاغه بهم گفت
# a little bird told me that you've got engaged
# a little bird told me that my friends will have a surprise party for me next week
وقتی گفته میشه که یک کسی رازی رو بهتون گفته ولی شما نمی خواهید بگویید که چه کسی بوده است
you heard something from a secret source
a little bird told me کلاغه به من خبر داد 🔇🔇
به معنای =کلاغه برام خبر اورد.
کلاغه بهم گفت
