a lie has no legs

پیشنهاد کاربران

دروغ که حناق نیست.
🔰a lie has no legs🔰
You can't get away with a lie; the truth will always come out
🔰a lie has no legs🔰
Because a lie has nothing to support it ( "no legs" to stand on ) , it is unsustainable and can be easily recognized and dismissed as a lie
[مشاهده متن کامل]

. E. g
👈A: "I'm really worried that this rumor about me is going to reach the whole school. "
B: "No way—a lie has no legs, so the truth will definitely prevail. "
👈I'm not surprised their key witness was discredited in court, what with that clearly fictitious story she told. A lie has no legs, after all
👈Mary Anne has always been super sweet to me, so I don't believe the bad things they're saying about her. A lie has no legs, as far as I'm concerned
🟡Nothing can be hidden forever🟡
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
* - آفتاب/ماه پشت ابر نمی ماند. *
- حقیقت هرگز پشت ابر نمی ماند.
- دروغ برای همیشه ماندگار نیست و حقیقت روزی آشکار خواهد شد.
- تحت اللفظی: دروغ پا ندارد ( که بخواهد به آن تکیه کند و بایستد )

دروغ شاخ و دم نداره
دروغگو تا در خانه اش
