a fool and his money are soon parted

پیشنهاد کاربران

✍ Definition: People who are not wise with their finances will quickly lose their money. 💸🤡
✅ Example: She spent all her savings on useless gadgets, proving that a fool and his money are soon parted.
کسی که درست و عاقلانه از پول استفاده نمی کند، خیلی زودآن را از دست می دهد.
این ضرب المثل اغلب در مورد فردی گفته می شود که اخیراً پول زیادی را به دلیل اشتباه از دست داده است.
When Bill lost a $400 bet on a horse race, Mary said, A fool and his money are soon parted.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

When John bought a cheap used car that fell apart the next day, he said, Oh, well, a fool and his money are soon parted

a fool and his money are soon parted
پیش از آنی که به بی عقلی خود پی ببرد
مال و سرمایۀ بی عقل ز دستش بپرد.
:Alternative form
a fool and his money are easily parted
🔰a fool and his money are soon parted🔰
said to mean that it is easy to persuade someone who is not sensible to spend their money on worthless things
. E. g
The sad truth is that a fool and his money are soon parted, and even more so, a fool who is in love
🔰a fool and his money are soon parted 🔰
used to say that a foolish person spends money too quickly on unimportant things
🔰a fool and his money are easily parted🔰
This meaning is as it literally states. Someone who is foolish can easily lose their money as it would be easy to dupe them out of it
Example Sentences
👈Woody was cheated several times in his lifetime since a fool and his money are easily parted
👈She gave up her entire estate on the basis of a verbal promise. A fool and his money are indeed easily parted
Source: www. theidioms. com
گفتار مشهور، با معادل فارسی:
* - تا آبله در جهانه، مفلس در نمی مونه. *
- یه نادون، پولشو به راحتی از دست میده و هر کسی می تونه پول یه نادون رو به راحتی از چنگش در بیاره.
- یه احمق راحت پولشو از دست میده.
کسی که احمقانه پولاشو خراب میکنه
