kennethkenneth branaghkenneth kaundakenneth macalpinkenneth starrkennykenokenosiskensingtonkentkent statekent state massacrekentishkentish firekentledgekentuckiankentuckykentucky state universitykenyakenyankenyattakepikepikkeplerkeptkept a diarykept a high profilekept a low profilekept asking questionskept bookskept changingkept fitkept him at a distancekept him waitingkept his distancekept his eyes openkept his mouth shutkept his promisekept his secret to himselfkept his self respectkept it a secretkept it insidekept silentkept silent about itkept smilingkept the commandmentskept the delicate balancekept the premises cleankept things in proportionkept to himself