i don't give a damni don't give a shiti don't intend toi don't knowi don't mindi don't want anything to do with youi don't want toi feel quite welli for onei give you my wordi got youi gotta peei h pi had better goi had no thoughti hadn't the faintest ideai happened to be therei hate to trouble them buti have a dreami have had enoughi have had iti have lots of friendsi have my own scissorsi have no ideai have no quarrel with himi have not the slightest doubti have not the slightest shadow of a doubti have nothing to say to youi have the feelingi have the impression thati have to goi have to go to bedi haven't done anythingi hereby solemnly declarei like youi live in san juani love lucyi love youi miss youi oi o activityi o addressi o devicei o porti o processori o redirectioni o systemi o uniti only have two handsi or c