معنی " Social Progress Index (SPI) " چیه و به چه کاری میاد ؟
معادل انگلیسی برای "زیر پامو کشید "و"پشتمو خالی کرد" مثال بزنید
برای "curse of knowledge" یک معادل فارسی بیارید و راجبش توضیح بدید لطفا
In spite of its scientific method, neoclassical economics had strong ideological implication. The theoretical model assumed the existence of a structure of economic institutions based on i ...
Because Ana works out seven days a week and eats a healthy diet, she has no ……… fat on her small frame.
Although she is only 20 years old, she has shown great ……… to stress.
چند تا معنی برای "Bow" داریم ؟
Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, ...... of sky gazers.
برای "Anti-Dilution Protection" یک معادل فارسی بگید لطفا .
معنی a guilty conscience needs no accuser در زبان فارسی چی میشه ؟