Peter’s talk did not give an objective view of the situation but revealed his own ……… .
Gradually, Microsoft became the ……… company in the software business.
Her strict ……… to the diet caused her to lose a lot of weight in one month.
Your reluctance to accept his advice may ……… our entire plan.
The one thing my family will always remember about Grace was the many ....... of kindness that she showed us in her long life.
The number of the people living in one place is called its….
The cinemagoers ……… the long queues by buying tickets over the internet earlier in the day.
Each party organizes a ……… to get its candidate selected and outlines a plan to inform the public about both the candidate’s credentials and the party’s platform.
None of the journalist’s children showed the slightest ……… to follow their father into journalism.
The bank ……… evidence of financial stability before a loan is granted.