Especially when commuting to and from work متوجه این جمله نمیشم و اینکه چرا and اومده؟ میشه to and حذف شه؟
Many years ago in Denmark there was a prince called Hamlet.
I was a great lover and admirer of Mozart’s music, so there was a tremendous…uh… challenge to bridge the character that Peter Shaffer had written. Peter Shaffer knows all about Mozart; he could so tha ...
Accounts manage out
while... vs when...
live with her grandma that winter
it’s talking about your family in the past. So it doesn’t mean right now. So we can have someone, a child, this child was born in America. So that child, the girl is American but she’s of Greek herita ...
they know that their families
He is still angry with Romeo and wants to fight him.
A: Stop fighting all the time. B: I’m not fighting. A: Yes, you are.