معنی. چواریمه ؟! منیش کنارت زوانم؟! معنی اینا یعنی چی
معنی نوشته روی عکس
grow out of...
Never having seen human beings before, the dinosaurs leapt down the mountainside , ready to destroy anything that stood in their way…
آیا On و At می تونند به جای هم بیان برای job؟
Snow for Christmas
I wondered if Ray was going to say anything, if he was going to do anything to stop them
جمله My mother souldn't have made me wear my sister's old cloths. را چطور به cleft sentence تبدیل کنیم؟
I want to get a minor in math
"now it's your term" معادل انگلیسی داره ؟ چی میتونیم به جاش بگیم ؟