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پرسش‌ها با تگ (losing_my_religion)

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Emotional abandonment is healed by the type of real intimacy that we have been discussing. And once again real intimacy depends on us showing up in times of vulnerability. Deep-level recovering occurs when we successfully connect with a safe enough other during the flashbacked-times of feeling trapped in the fear, shame and depression of the abandonment mélange.

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آیا کشور میشناسی که با آب معدنی (از چشمه ) ماشین (قراضه یا چند میلیون دلاری) وقالی وکوچه وحیاط  را میشورند؟  

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تفاوت " میمون " با " میموم " در زبان عربی ؟ یَمَّ یَمن ذات الیمین یَمنّون علیك ...

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The villagers and the boy went back to the field only to see one sheep left.

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one night hamlet’s friend Horatio tells him that there is a ghost in the costle

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تک مرتبطی پیدا نشد.