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مثلا وقتی که توی متنی رسمی که راجب اهدافه بیگ پیکچر آورده میشه و یه جورایی به چشم‌انداز دور شخص  اشاره می‌کنه.. ممکنه بهم  کمک کنین متون فارسی  مشابه و  درک بهتری ازش پیدا کنم؟

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یه قسمت از فیلم انگیزشی برای ترجمه بهتر کمک میخوام Could I be as good as person "X"? it's like, not the right question. The right question is could you be slightly better tomorrow than your curren ...

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The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy, neither are his supply - wagons loaded more than twice. On the other hand, the proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause the people's substance to be drained away.

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ترجمه درست این متن چیست ؟ Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

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the four seasons make way for each other in turn.  Literally, "have no invariable seat."

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The piquancy of the paradox evaporates in translation. Concealment is perhaps not so much actual invisibility (see supra ss. 9) as "showing no sign" of what you mean to do, of the plans that are formed in your brain.

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In making tactical dispositions, the highest pitch you can attain is to conceal them; conceal your dispositions, and you will be safe from the prying of the subtlest spies, from the machinations of the wisest brains.

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بخشی از متن کتاب the outsider نوشته ی استفن کینگ :Samuels had leaned forward and said We can t say he s done it before; although if he has, we ll probably find out once we really start digging, but ...

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