Any evaluation should include a careful history of past and present symptoms with an exam. Medical tests that look for damage already done are not a substitute for controlling exposure.
The fact that lower income countries with below average learning adjusted years of schooling (LAYS)devote fewer of their resources to education is likely to increase learning inequalities since public education spending tends to benefit relatively more disadvantaged learners.
More countries decreased the level and prioritization of education spending with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Half of the countries analyzed reduced their annual spending on education in 2020, compared to 28 percent in 2019, a trend observed in both higher and lower country income groups.
but when this growth is rapid and unplanned, the results are gridlocked streets poisoned air and an infrastructure that simply cannot cope
when you have a formability system you just preclude entire segments of the population from living the city from actually accessing the opportunities and the Beauties and the amazingness that cities h ...
others remain impoverished and cut off bridging this Gap will Alessandra
از کتاب قانون پنج ثانیه Mel Robbins
معنی جمله Open-air life چیست؟
. دوستان اینو میشه اینجوری ترجمه کرد که با مجادله کردن پیشرفت میکنی و میتونی میزان خالص رنج دنیا رو کاهش بدی ؟ اگه ترجمه بهتری بدین ممنون میشم And you develop by contending and you minimize the net amount of suffering in the world and that's something,man.That's something to do.
ممنون میشم ترجمه روان انجام بدین تا با ترجمه خودم مقایسه کنم و کلمه های مناسب رو جایگزین کنم مچکرم And then you might also ask,well, what is that lesser self?And that lesser self would be resentful ...