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ترجمه متن زیر: Inspire me to live the Catholic faith in ways that are dynamic and engaging.  Show me how to best get involved in the life of my parish.  Make our community hungry for best practices  and continuous learning. 

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ترجمه متن زیر: Send your Spirit upon us so that we can discover your dream for us to become the best version of ourselves, and have the courage to defend and celebrate this true self  in every moment of our days.

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Could 1 be as good as person "X"? it's like, not the right question. The right question is could you be slightly better tomorrow than your currently flawed self. And the answer to that is if you ha ...

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در این ترجمه منظور LI چیست؟  How much more so if the furthest portions of the army are anything under a hundred LI apart, and even the nearest are separated by several LI! 

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میشه لطفاترجمه درست این جمله رو بگید ؟  But if neither time nor place be known, then the left wing will be impotent to succor the right, the right equally impotent to succor the left, the van unable to relieve the rear, or the rear to support the van

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ممنو میشم اگه  توی ترجمه این کمک کنید شخصیت اول:   fortunes of the day... شخصیت دوم در جوابش:  Good fortunes of the day...

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Among many such successful junctions which military history records, one of the most dramatic and decisive was the appearance of Blucher just at the critical moment on the field of Waterloo.  ترجمه این جمله رو میشه بگید ممنونم. 

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در این متن Latin را چی ترجمه کنم؟ the Romans overcame the Latins in the battle of Lake Regillus.  با سپاس

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میخواستم بدونم ترجمه بهتری برای جمله ی  Praise for something چیه؟ دیکشنری ها ستایش برای رو پیشنهاد میدن که به نظرم جالب نیست.مثلا اگر بخوایم بگیم Praise for Samsung Co. یا هر چیز دیگه ای چی میشه ترجمه کرد؟ 

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If the enemy's dispositions are visible, we can make for him in one body کمک میکنید لطفا😭

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