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بعضی از  نوشته های انگلیسی رو که می خونم بعد از یکی از فعل های  مدال be اومده. از كجا بفهمم  چه موقع باید بعد افعال مدال be  بيارم   مثل  can be  .might be . Would be , should be .. will be  نمونش  اين جمله  ?This man  might be  dropping  new music

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 Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths are —— involving the all-giving "Earth Mother."

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Four flags have flown over the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, New Mexico: ………….. Spain, Mexico, the Confederacy, and the United States.

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 Natural selection is defined as the process ………….. the course of evolution by preserving those traits best adapted for an organism’s survival.

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 Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent —— the ultimate police in the region.

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