پرسشها با تگ (چطور باید ترجمه کنم؟ ترجمه)
معنی اصطلاح "be on the line"
چن تا معادل و هم معنی برای اصطلاح "i am doing great"
کاربرد اصطلاح "coming to you" کجاست؟
They don't have enough money; they need more ..................
ETA در زبان انگلیسی مخفف چیه ؟
«زبیر» با حضرت علی علیه السلام چه نسبتی دارد؟
The M4 dissects the Downs and the rest of the county from east to west. The noise affects a wide area either side of the motorway and can ....... real estate prices.
The Church condemns as heretical the opinion that human nature is not essentially the same in all people, but that mankind which now inhabits the earth is composed of races so different from one another that the lowest of them is even further from the highest race than it is from the highest kind of animal that resembles man. ترجمهی قابل فهم این متن؟ ممنون میشم کمک کنید
معنی "اذهبوا انی اری ما لاترون "در بیت : ای اخاف الله ما لی منه عون // اذهبوا انی اری ما لاترون
واژه معادل انگلیسی A contest or competition A stick for striking fire To correspond or fit together