سلام دوستان اکسسوری دقیقا چیه؟ توی کجاها کاربرد داره؟ توی کدوم حوزه ها میشه گفت؟ کجاها استفاده میشه؟
Further to our ....... for the Ford Fiesta to be reparked, this matter is now very urgent. Our lorry cannot get out.
I've looked everywhere for my key and even carried out an ....... search of my car but I can't find that book.
More ....... than not as a guest we'll say:
کلمه های beauty/secure/protection رو در حالت های noun /verb /adj /adv بگید لطفا و هر کدوم رو با معنی و کاربردش بگید .
The Core Conditions and the “Being” of the Child-Centered Play Therapist دوستان معنی وجود و هستی رو میدونم دنبال یه ترجمه قشنگم برای این تیتر
He told us the usual things about how everything had gone wrong — it was a typical ....... luck story.
تو ترجمه این متن کمکم میکنین From the perspective of the interpersonal neurobiology framework, Siegel (2019) pro poses that well-being arises from generative social fields, which are interconnected g ...
درجمله The judge was bribed so that she would set the suspect free برای would چه معادل فارسی باید بزارم موقع ترجمه؟